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June 2010

I love it when people take accountability. Whether it is my kids, friends, umpires or leaders, I love watching people do the right thing because it is the right thing. Taking accountability for one’s actions builds huge trust dividends. Do you think feelings of trust and respect for Joyce have improved across Major League Baseball? Absolutely! It’s interesting how when we try not to cover up our pride we become people of character that others genuinely love and respect.

The term leader is used loosely. Leaders leave legacies of integrity, caring, love, giving back more than they took and inspiring others to do the same; they have purpose and sustaining value. Leaders leave an impact on the things that matter most. not how much money they make or worlds they conquer. John Wooden was a leader in the purest definition.

Okay, this is just plain cute. However, there are some implications for all of us who are leaders. How many of us could look ourselves in the mirror and say nothing but positive things for one minute?