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July 2012

Powerful personal leadership

It is difficult to measure the total impact we can have on others lives! Each of us has the power to be personal leaders in our own way. I heard this beautiful, yet simple personal leadership story the other day and would like to share it.

Employee goal success

Do you want to improve employee goal success? Here are three questions every leader should ask themselves while evaluating employee goals. If anyone of these three questions cannot be answered in the affirmative, then you might want to reconsider the goal.

Leaders keep their cool during conflict

Keeping a cool head during conflict can sometimes be difficult. Especially when it is perceived as or becomes personal. If you think there is a good chance there could be unhealthy conflict, here are a few basic tips that have worked for me.

United we stand divided we fall – Teamwork story

I love fables. The following teamwork story and fable highlights the importance of standing united. Once there was a lion who was watching three bulls feeding in an open field. He attempted to attack the bulls several different times without success. The bulls had kept together and helped each other drive him off.

Leaders develop leaders – They nurture

A friend of mine shared this on Facebook the other day, and I wanted to share it as well. Tom Peters a best selling business author once said “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” I love that quote because it gets at the heart of what leadership is really about – developing people.