If service is above you, leadership is beyond you. I wrote in a recent post the need for leaders to connect during these trying times. People are looking to leadership to help guide them through hard things. They are watching them, listening to them and are hopefully inspired them. Leaders who have successfully led people […] Read more
Leadership Videos

The only mistakes most of us make are the ones we fail to learn from. Everything we learn is through failure of some sort. When we learned to walk for example, we took that first step, fell down and then evaluated what we did wrong in our little minds and tried again. Our parents encouraged […] Read more

Leaders Care Science shows that each of us have what are called mirror neurons in our brains that recognize when someone in our presence genuinely cares, supports and respects us. The same neurons recognizing care, support and respect, also recognize when someone acts like they care, but are clearly signalling boredom, disdain or contempt. So […] Read more

I have always firmly believed that you can get a lot further with someone by being kind than being mean. We used to have a sign by our door that said, “Your name is always safe in our house.” But, easier said than done, right? It’s easy to be rude to members of your team […] Read more

Well, here it is… my first video. I would love to hear what you think :) Today I am talking about something that we all do—we often care too much about what others think. Now don’t get me wrong, we should care how those we lead think of us. It is normal and to an […] Read more