If service is above you, leadership is beyond you. I wrote in a recent post the need for leaders to connect during these trying times. People are looking to leadership to help guide them through hard things. They are watching them, listening to them and are hopefully inspired them. Leaders who have successfully led people […] Read more
Pure Leadership
There is one magical way to unlock your leadership. In fact, I know of no quicker way to connect with those you lead and start building trust than through doing this. What is it? It’s acts of service. Committed personal service. Selfless service signals a number of things in your leadership to others. It conveys […] Read more
Leadership is about Relationships I once heard a joke about a boss arriving at work one morning in a brand-new Lamborghini. “Wow,” one of his employees said. “That’s an absolutely great car.” The boss replies, “Well… if you work hard enough, put all your hours in like you did this year, and strive for excellence, […] Read more
Leadership Story In a Gallup survey, when employees were asked whether their supervisor or anyone else at work cared about them, only 4 out of 10 strongly agreed with that statement. That lack of caring is startling. If you fail to care about those you lead, they will eventually fail to care about you, the […] Read more
I have always firmly believed that you can get a lot further with someone by being kind than being mean. We used to have a sign by our door that said, “Your name is always safe in our house.” But, easier said than done, right? It’s easy to be rude to members of your team […] Read more