Leadership Story In a Gallup survey, when employees were asked whether their supervisor or anyone else at work cared about them, only 4 out of 10 strongly agreed with that statement. That lack of caring is startling. If you fail to care about those you lead, they will eventually fail to care about you, the […] Read more
Leadership Stories Series

If you don’t deeply care about those you lead, you shouldn’t lead. One of the most powerful lessons that I learned about leadership was taught by two of my children when they were very young. Kelli was five and Jeffy was two. Both of them were very afraid of the dark, like many children at […] Read more

Servant Leaders Unite, Not Divide – Inspiring Leadership Story
The story is told of a wise Sunday school teacher who brought a set of very large clear plastic bags for her class. She told them they were going to play a game…

Leadership story about paying attention to the seemingly small things There is a story told by the late American Pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick that has strong leadership implications. He tells about how in the mountains of Colorado lies the ruins of a gigantic tree which had stood for hundreds of years. It was a seedling […] Read more

Beware of Blacklisting Yourself from Your Team I once worked with a team not too many years ago which consisted of managers who led different teams and organizations across the company. This particular team unfortunately became completely fed up with one of their teammates. Meeting after meeting this teammates only concern was spotlighting herself, her […] Read more