Several weeks ago in the Wall Street Journal there was an interesting article titled “She’s One Step Ahead.” It told the story of a factory leader, Elizabeth Kaplan, and how she decided to join her employees on a strenuous set of Los Angeles stairs during lunch. She believed that sharing a workout with her team […] Read more
Team Building Activities

Have you ever been a part of a trust fall team building activity? Or how about a ropes course or obstacle course that you were told would bring your team together and unite you? How about a team bowling activity, rock climbing or even bungee jumping? My guess is that most of you have been […] Read more

Trust is to teamwork what followers are to leadership. Without it teammates struggle in their relationships with one another and building effective teamwork. In my years of developing teams, doing team activities where members of the team get to know one another outside of their work lives has paid the greatest dividends in terms of building […] Read more

3 Questions Every Teammate Must ask to Improve Teamwork In my work with teams over the years, I have used a lot of questions to provoke discussion. But nothing is more powerful than having members of teams look inward and question their true contribution to the team, their potential contribution and their level of commitment. We […] Read more

I love simple team building activities. Some of my most popular have included this Surprising Valuable Team Activity For Increasing Teamwork (733 Facebook shares to date), A Quick Way to Help Those You Lead Feel Good (Team or Family) and My Favorite Team Builder – Perfect for Team Cohesion. Check them out. Each of them have […] Read more