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November 2012

You Forgot My Name

I have to admit that it might be a silly pet peeve of mine, but I don’t like to be addressed by “hey.” Or “How are you?” instead of “How are you Mike?” This can happen for a number of reasons. Maybe they forgot my name. Or possibly they are not sure how to address me given several formal titles I have had in the past. But I have a feeling it is just simply easier for some not to take the time to remember.

Being Judgmental Story – Leadership Story

There is an old Welsh fable told of a dog that had belonged to Llywelyn the Great, a Prince of Gwynedd in the 13th Century. He had been given the dog as a gift from King John of England. Prince Llywelyn’s wife had passed away and the dog was charged with watching the cradle of the Prince’s baby when he went hunting.

Loneliness in Leadership is Real – Use These Tips if You Ever Feel Lonely as a Leader

Leadership can be the loneliness of all jobs. You have probably heard the saying: “It is lonely at the top!” Loneliness in leadership is often the outcome of the leader adhering to his or her conscience. Many decisions are not popular.

Anger Management Tips 101

The other night I sat in a parents meeting for my son who is playing high school basketball this year. After the coach had talked about policies, schedules etc… The school Athletic Director spoke. He pleaded with parents to follow the “24 Hour Rule.”

Teams Celebrate Shots

My phone rang and it was a call from the Parks and Recreation Department asking me to coach a fifth grade girls’ basketball team. After some discussion and inquiry, I found out it was a “left over” group of six girls from several schools who already had their “Team” formed.