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July 2010

Teamwork going really bad.

I think Friday’s are a good day to post something a little more lite, but still related to teamwork and leadership in some sort of odd way. So here is a video that you are sure to get a chuckle or two out of. Do your team projects mirror the work of this team of guys sometimes? Check out the video.

When I was a kid I use to ask my parents why I had to do “stupid” Algebra. The only answer I ever remember was “because.” “Because” I would ask. “Yes because,” was their reply. If my parents had instead said because it will help you become a better problem solver, improve your chess game, make you more intelligent and finally if you take enough of these algebra classes you may never have to take another one ever again I may have been catapulted into algebra delight. However, their response had the opposite effect.