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September 2012

Focused Team – Eyes on the Road

Road trips always take longer when I travel with my family. But it is always more interesting, entertaining, and memorable when I am with them instead of driving alone. When my family would pile into our Dodge Durango for a road trip, at least one of our kids would invariably ask “how long until we get there?”

Fill Your Bucket Leaders by Filling Those You Lead

Several years ago I was on an executive leadership coaching session. During the call this leader asked me how he could fill others buckets (the act of appreciating, recognizing and rewarding employees) when his felt so empty? This is a great question.

Voicemail Etiquette Leaders

An area of concern for me as of late has been voicemail etiquette. It is tiring enough to wade through the hoard of telemarketers, but it is also equally frustrating to have to try to discern who is calling, why they are calling and where I can reach them. Good voicemail etiquette can help all of us be more productive.

Create Clarity Leaders

As a Service Desk (“Help Desk”) Manager, a key measurement of success is your ability to provide solutions to your customers during the initial call. And as much as you want this to always happen there are a lot of cases where a ticket has to be logged and worked later after doing research and/or by a person of special expertise.

How Do You Motivate Employees Leaders

Study after study has shown that being happy at work is more about the little things than it is about large bonuses, stock options and exceptional benefits. I’m not saying those things don’t help, but feeling valued, respected and trusted at work is even more important.