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October 2012

Powerful Leadership Story – The Power of Positive

I remember years ago a story I heard in Sunday School that has had an important impact on me all of my life. It was based on the legend of “Johnny Lingo.” Maybe some of you have heard it? Johnny Lingo is a fictional story about a woman islander in the South Pacific who was constantly belittled by her family and told she was ugly.

Bad and Boring Meeting

Do you want people to show up at your next online business meeting or face to face meeting? Then don’t do stupid stuff! I hate bad meetings. And believe me, I have attended my share of them. Something tells me you have attended your share as well.

Kind Leader – Leadership Tips

Being kind isn’t as difficult as you might think. And by practicing some of the suggestions below on a regular basis you can eventually make them habits.

Don’t Fuss Over Spilled Milk – Leadership Lesson

One important leadership skill is the ability to effectively teach, paired with a generous amount of patience. I love the following story and the powerful leadership lessons it contains for all of us.

Method to Madness Whe Hiring

What do you do? You have narrowed 50 resumes down to those who hit the mark. You then took the top 10 and invited them in for an in-depth interview. The selection team was able to narrow the field down to two people.