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Teamwork Videos

Teamwork Video – Lion and Bulls – Waterbuffalo

So I came across this amazing teamwork video the other day. Maybe you have already seen this. I did not. It’s one of those videos that gets more amazing the longer you watch it.

Fun Teamwork Video – Marching Band

So what is teamwork? Do you know effective teamwork when you see it? Here is a fun video that I thought you might all enjoy on a lite Friday.

Marshmallow Challenge

Find out why kindergartners outperform recent business graduates. Very interesting video. Maybe it is a challenge you might consider creating for your team?

Okay, lite Friday again. Here is a video of team building gone bad in a trust activity. Have you ever had a bad team building experience either as a participant or facilitator?

Another Friday, which means it’s time for something fun and a little more lite. Here is an old short video I found the other day that shows how creative people can be with teamwork – even many years ago.