Leadership requires strong communication skills. Critical to those skills is the need for leaders to listen more and talk less. How well do you listen when others are talking? Today these skills are becoming even more important for leaders due to the amount of distractions. I can remember several years ago sitting in a colleagues office […] Read more
active listening
There are some of us (and you know who you are, right?) who are in denial that they are addicted to these devices. A little while ago I was chastising one of my children for texting while we were having a family discussion. I accused him of being addicted and that it was rude and inconsiderate. I am embarrassed to say that my children quickly reminded me that it was no different than the five times I had pulled out my Blackberry that night during our discussion to check e-mail – touché.
The other day I wrote a post on how distractions (particularly those dealing with technology) can erode the trust of leaders. Why? Because we send clear messages that we don’t care to those we are speaking to when we aren’t focused on listening.