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attitude of gratitude

Brand New Quick and Effective Team Building Activities for Gratitude post image

I love simple team building activities. Some of my most popular have included this Surprising Valuable Team Activity For Increasing Teamwork (733 Facebook shares to date), A Quick Way to Help Those You Lead Feel Good (Team or Family) and My Favorite Team Builder – Perfect for Team Cohesion. Check them out. Each of them have […] Read more

Gratitude is an Attitude. Thankfulness, Gratitude, Thank you

I love Thanksgiving! It is a time to reflect on the most important things in my life and my families life. Are you doing the same? It is healthy to look at those things that matter most and to reflect on each blessing. There is power in gratitude, and the simple, but super powerful words, […] Read more

Leaders Must Say Thank You and Why

Whatever your leadership responsibility is – whether your are a parent, coach, pastor, scoutmaster, business leader or any other type of leader – you need to say two words often and genuinely. They are the words “thank you.” Unfortunately many leaders don’t say it enough. First Reflect “I would maintain that thanks are the highest […] Read more

Be a Grateful Leader – Say Thank You

I’ve found it amazing how a simple “thank you,” can go a long way. So can a heartfelt, “your welcome!” A few years ago, I was having lunch with my 3 year old granddaughter and her mom. She has been taught to say thank you when someone does something for you.

Sleep Better – Attitude of Gratitude

In this posting we provide three specific tips on how leaders can cultivate gratitude in their life. There are big benefits to being grateful, so now is the time to start working on it right away!