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effective teamwork

Team Energy Jumping

How can I get more teamwork out of my team? How can I help my team be more passionate and care? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Teamwork is not something that happens because you bring together the best talent to create a team. It also doesn’t happen because you simply set a goal. […] Read more

Work Together – Teamwork Story

Ego is one of the greatest killers of effective teamwork. When someone has ulterior motives, tries to collect all of the credit and is in general more concerned about themselves than the team – it is poisonous. I found the following teamwork story that illustrates this point.

Fun Teamwork Video – Marching Band

So what is teamwork? Do you know effective teamwork when you see it? Here is a fun video that I thought you might all enjoy on a lite Friday.

For example, you’re driving in your neighborhood one day where a woman driving a car in front of you decides to follow the speed limit – 25 MPH. Going down the hill she puts her brakes on repeatedly. You are already late to work and this frustrates you even more. “Of all the days,” you think to yourself, “this clown, this jerk, this bozo decides to go the speed limit.” “And I know she is frustrating me on purpose because she doesn’t like how close I am to her bumper.” “That does it,” you tell yourself, “I’m going to pass this inconsiderate dork.”

It’s amazing what people can do when they work together. I thought you might enjoy some quick entertaining teamwork videos on a Friday. These are fun. Share these with your co-workers and friends and let them know what is possible with a Team. It is motivational.