I was brainstorming with one of my sons not too long ago on a title for a new book. He said, how about “The Negative of Negativity” dad? I thought, brilliant! Even at his young age he knows the effects of negative energy on teams. There are so many negatives of negativity on teams that […] Read more
gossip at work
In my new book “You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great,” I talk about the need for teammates to be positive—the Fourth B. Here is a powerful excerpt from that section on refraining from negativity… One of the methods to stopping the spread of negative gossip on teams is […] Read more
I can clearly remember years ago driving from what I thought was a good meeting to the airport with a fellow leader and colleague of mine. Why do I remember so clearly? Because it was a constant barrage of negativity directed toward our then new leader all the way to the airport. I didn’t feel […] Read more
This Kind of Gossip Can Change Lives as Well! You can usually tell when it is happening – one person is hunched over the other whispering into their ear as both of them share expressions of disgust or confusion or maybe even glee. I have dedicated several popular posts over the last number of years on […] Read more
Gossip at work and evil speaking of others is not only unfair, but a poison that teams and organizations can’t afford to swallow and forget about. We would all be wise to stop the spreading of gossip, rumors and evil speaking of others dead in its tracks. Here is a great story I heard the other day.