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leadership development tip

Leaders Ask This Number One Question

There are a lot of questions leaders can ask themselves and should on a regular basis. But if they could only ask one, I would highly recommend it be this one: “How would I feel following someone like me?” Have you ever thought what it would be like to be led by you? It’s a […] Read more

Leadership Development Training Seminars Leadership Class – Boring

Most leaders would agree leadership development is important. I would agree as well, but not the way most of it is trained. Many times leadership training is nothing more than what I like to call “Pay, Spray and Pray.” The participant pays to show up. The trainer then sprays what they have to say. And […] Read more

I have started doing something recently that has really helped me in my own leadership development. Many of us read lots of books and in my case, I read a lot of business books so I can keep up professionally. I wish I had a photographic memory, but I don’t.