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office gossip

This is Probably Affecting Your Team – So State It, Prevent It and Nip It! post image

I was brainstorming with one of my sons not too long ago on a title for a new book. He said, how about “The Negative of Negativity” dad? I thought, brilliant! Even at his young age he knows the effects of negative energy on teams. There are so many negatives of negativity on teams that […] Read more

Workplace Gossip Team Gossip Positive Gossip

In my new book “You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great,” I talk about the need for teammates to be positive—the Fourth B. Here is a powerful excerpt from that section on refraining from negativity… One of the methods to stopping the spread of negative gossip on teams is […] Read more

Toothbrush and gossip have something in common

One of the most difficult challenges of any leader is to create a work environment where people get a long and feel safe from negative confrontation, backstabbing and gossip. Several years ago I was brushing my teeth when one of my kids informed me that my two year old son had used the very toothbrush that I was using!