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Root Canal and Performance Problems

Prevent and treat performance problems for better team health! Do you hate going to the dentist as much as I do? When I was young man, about 18, I had an absolutely terrible experience. After the dentist had announced that I had two cavities he also told me that because I “looked like a man” […] Read more

One on one and Annual performance review

You better ensure you can answer questions like “what could I have done different this year to get a higher rating? What can I do next year to get a better rating?” If you can’t answer these types questions then you have failed the employee you are doing the review with.

It is still surprising to hear about a company that does annual performance reviews – annually. I worked for such a company a little while back. We had a small dedicated HR department and a CEO that stressed the annual performance review each year. The problem was they were only once a year.