I have had leaders who swore a lot. And I have had other leaders who swore some, but refrained from swearing when I was around out of respect. Career Builder did an interesting survey a little while back on using foul language in the workplace. They found that over 50% of workers reported they swear […] Read more
swearing at work

Last night we went as a family to watch a Major League soccer game. The team we were cheering for won the game in the 93rd minute! It was a thriller. But what wasn’t so thrilling was the language used by the two “early twenty somethings” behind us. While no “F” bombs were dropped (thank goodness), the language that was used was offensive, and especially offensive to two parents trying to enjoy the game with their four little boys (ages 15, 12, 9 and 7). The offensive language fortunately stopped after both my wife and myself stared them down in disgust.