Leadership is about Relationships I once heard a joke about a boss arriving at work one morning in a brand-new Lamborghini. “Wow,” one of his employees said. “That’s an absolutely great car.” The boss replies, “Well… if you work hard enough, put all your hours in like you did this year, and strive for excellence, […] Read more
team relationship building
Beware of Blacklisting Yourself from Your Team I once worked with a team not too many years ago which consisted of managers who led different teams and organizations across the company. This particular team unfortunately became completely fed up with one of their teammates. Meeting after meeting this teammates only concern was spotlighting herself, her […] Read more
I had a final job interview many years ago in which this was evident. As is the case with many final job interviews this one was with the team that I would be working with. I believed my interview was going great, but one particular person’s body language told me otherwise. She just blankly stared at me, kind of “freaky” like. When I was being funny, she didn’t laugh. When I was being engaging and looking for agreement, she didn’t nod her head.