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Living the platinum rule

An important rule every teammate should live by… Gary Chapman wrote a relationship game changing bestselling book titled “The 5 Love Languages.” Maybe you’ve read it. In it, Chapman describes how each of us have one of five different love languages that speak to us personally. And when your love language is practiced by your […] Read more

The Transformation of a Team Starts with the Transformation of You post image

I have found in my career that most of the finger pointing on teams is at the leader or other teammates, but rarely is the finger pointing back at the person pointing the finger. Maybe you can relate? A number of years ago I was working with a team as a consultant, where every finger […] Read more

Teamwork is a Choice – Powerful Leadership Story post image

You might have noticed I have been focusing a lot lately on the power of teammates (see “Why is it Always The Leader’s Fault? Who’s Responsible for Teamwork?” and “The 3 Most Thought Provoking Questions a Team Member Can Ask“). Often times when we talk about teamwork, we talk mostly about the leader. We expect […] Read more

Teamwork, team member, teammate, member of team questions.

3 Questions Every Teammate Must ask to Improve Teamwork In my work with teams over the years, I have used a lot of questions to provoke discussion. But nothing is more powerful than having members of teams look inward and question their true contribution to the team, their potential contribution and their level of commitment. We […] Read more