Team members will reluctantly, if at all, accept a new member to their team until he or she has proven they belong there and the first two stages (forming and storming) have adequately been worked through. Leaders can do some things to speed this process up and help acclimate the new member to the team.
Last week we got one of the biggest page views and responses we ever received on our blog to the post “Lack of focus on team rewards and appreciation.” Barrier number six on our top ten list. Today we will discuss obstacle number Seven – “Lack of spending time together as a team.”
I love this teamwork video I just saw on YouTube. It’s amazing what a video can do to demonstrate a concept. This is entertaining. Let me know what you think.
I personally believe that lack of understanding team members should probably be number one if not a close second in the rankings. With lack of understanding comes lack of trust. When there is a lack of trust on the team there will be focus on anything but the issues during team conflict, which will create all kinds of inefficiencies on the team. What do you think? What have you done on your teams to increase understanding among team members?
I asked the question on several LinkedIn Groups “What is so difficult about teamwork?” I received well over 200 responses. My intention was to rank each of them and then figure out ways we can create better teamwork. Today we will discuss obstacle number three – Individuals focused on themselves and not the team.