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October 2009

I have started doing something recently that has really helped me in my own leadership development. Many of us read lots of books and in my case, I read a lot of business books so I can keep up professionally. I wish I had a photographic memory, but I don’t.

One of our jobs as leaders is to inspire. Whether that is in our homes, volunteer work or business, our job is to inspire others to do greater things than they realize they are capable of doing or achieving. I love this video of Nick Vujicic, who was born without limbs, who is faced with challenges and obstacles every day. Nick is a leader. I hope this video will inspire you today, as it has me.

Wow, the response continues to be overwhelming! I put out the question “what is your best time management tip, and to this point I have received over 500 tips! Read below about three great time management tips for using e-mail. How often do you get e-mails responding to things you didn’t need a response to? Here is a simple and nice tip from

Leadership Fun – Funny Video

I came across this video (see the video below) the other day by comedian Tim Hawkins, it is hilarious. I got to thinking; if there are certain things you don’t say to your wife, what certain things do you not say to your boss?

Lack of accountability can be a big obstacle on teams. On many teams only the leader holds team members accountable. But on high performing teams, the team members hold each other accountable. When team members are focused on the results together, they are more likely to hold one another accountable. This is very common on sports team.