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Part II – Time Management Tips That Could Change Your Life

Time Wow, the response continues to be overwhelming! I put out the question “what is your best time management tip, and to this point I have received over 500 tips! I am very appreciative to everyone who has responded. Read below about three great time management tips for using e-mail.  

For all pasts time management posts, click here.

For more great time management tips from our readers tune into our blog next Wednesday!

1.   How often do you get e-mails responding to things you didn’t need a response to? Here is a simple and nice tip from Mark Hawran who resides in Kalamazoo Michigan and is a Senior QA Claims consultant at Farmers Insurance.

"When it comes to e-mails, I will put in the Subject heading "no response required" or "FYI only", so that I don't spend a lot of time going through e-mails that turn out to be irrelevant."

2.   I call it the “Pavlov’s Dog e-mail syndrome.” Pavlov conducted an experiment where he would present a bowl of dog food to a dog, in which the dog would immediately begin to salivate. He would then pair it with the ringing of a bell. Eventually he would only ring the bell and the dog would continue to salivate. It is called classical conditioning. Well, we are classically conditioned when it comes to e-mail. Every time that e-mail bell rings or a notification comes up, we salivate and feel an urge to check our e-mail immediately. Here is a great comment and tip from Eve Luppert who resides in the Charlotte, North Carolina area and is author of “Rules for the Road: Surviving Your First Job out of School.”

"Don't forget that email and voice mail are supposed to be tools. Too often they rule us. Pick a time to read emails (and turn it off the rest of the time) and same with phone messages. When I don't do this my attention span is about 35 seconds, and I can't focus on anything."

3.   One of the best things I ever did several months ago was check e-mail a couple of times a day, as opposed to my usual 10 – 25 times a day. I’m serious folks; most of us check e-mail way too much. So this tip from Nina Roesner who resides in the Cincinnati area and is Executive Director at Greater Impact Ministries resonated with me. It’s a simple tip, but it really works, try it.

"I generally don't look at email but between noon and 1pm, and then again between 4-5pm…then I'm done. If I start email first thing in the morning (which is tremendously tempting) I am driven by other people's agendas and not my (or God's) plan for my day."

Mike Rogers

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