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Time Management Tips That Could Change Your Life – Part I

Time Wow, the response has been overwhelming! I put out the question “what is your best time management tip, and I received over 300 responses! I am very appreciative to everyone who has responded. I have decided to take the most interesting, the most popular and the most helpful time management tips from these posts and share them on my blog over the next several weeks. So stay tuned for some tips that might change your life!

For all pasts time management posts, click here. Next week look for the top three time management tips in Outlook.

We all need a good time management tip now and then. For those in leadership and management roles it is even more important because of all the things that have to be juggled. Today I am going to highlight three very interesting and what could be very effective time management tips from the over 300 responses I received.

1.   The common theme with most of the posts I received was to use checklists (to-do lists). Here is a great tip posted by Joe Maalouf from Paris, France whose information systems blog you can find by clicking here.

“Build a daily not-to-do list and stick to the promise you made to yourself!”

2.   I am a big believer that if everything is important, than nothing will be. I appreciated this tip from Travis Parry, a speaker and coach from Provo, UT whose life balance blog you can find by clicking here.

Focus on one thing at a time. We have this tendency to think that we are superhuman and do more than one thing at a time. Any two things that require brainpower done at the same time will be sloppier and take longer than doing one at a time.

Relax, Slow down and Focus, people!”

3.   Here is a simple, but potentially effective time management tip for those who get lots of stuff in the mail. This is from Michael Schwartz who is from the Atlanta area and President of Business Power.

“Open and Dump. Never take unopened mail to your desk. If you receive mail at your office at a central mail station open it there. Throw away envelopes and junk mail. If you reduce clutter at your desk, you'll improve your efficiency.”

Mike Rogers

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