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August 2010

Here are the top three resons you should smile a lot more based on the research. 1. You can improve your mood by smiling (Bernstein, et al., 2000). Research has shown that people’s moods are affected by facial expressions whether angry or happy.

Okay, lite Friday again. Here is a video of team building gone bad in a trust activity. Have you ever had a bad team building experience either as a participant or facilitator?

There is something about a smile. The other day our family went on a vacation to a small amusement park about four hours from our home. I have younger children so we usually spend a lot of time on the kids rides. It was at least 95 degrees outside, a little humid, little Laughing kids everywhere screaming, crying, yelling, laughing… you get the picture.

Okay, here are some funny, but sad photos of lopsided teamwork. Maybe you wouldn’t even call it teamwork. Maybe there is a “Man of the Year” award to be handed out here. Amazing!