Fun Leadership Story about The Importance of Being on Time
Some people pride themselves on being on time. For others being on time is only something they think about when they are late. Here is a fun leadership story that you can share with your teams about the importance of being on time and the consequences if you aren’t. I am not sure if it is based on a true story or not (I hope not), but it is pretty funny.
After 25 years in the same parish, Father Williams was saying his goodbyes at his retirement dinner. A prominent member in the congregation, a leading politician, had been asked to give a short speech, but was very late.
So the priest took it upon himself to fill the time, and stood up to the microphone. He said: “I remember the first confession I heard here 25 years ago and it worried me so much, I didn’t know if this was the right place for me. That confession is still the worst I ever heard. This man had confessed that he had stolen money from his parents and employer and that he had affairs with several of his friends wives. That he had taken many hard drugs, committed many violent acts and never told the truth to anyone. You can imagine what I thought… However I am pleased to say that as time went on I soon realized that this sad guy was a frightful exception and that this parish was a great place and was filled with wonderful people.”
At this point the politician arrived and apologized for being late and took the stage. He immediately stepped up to the microphone, pulled his speech from his pocket and said: “I’ll always remember when Father Williams first came to our parish. In fact, I’m pretty certain that I was the first person in the parish that he heard in confession.”
Being on time, of course, is the moral of this story. But for some reason many of us struggle with being on time. Why? Let’s talk. Please comment below.
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