Leadership and Teamwork Tip
Recently I found this VERY interesting way to exercise for those over 50.
First, stand on a comfortable floor.
Take a 5-pound potato sack in each hand and then extend your arms out from your side horizontally. Hold that position the best you can for one minute, then relax and repeat two more times.
Each day it will get easier and you will find that you can hold this position a little longer.
After two weeks, increase your strength by holding 10-pound potato sacks.
After one month, try 50-pound potato sacks.
Eventually, you will be able to lift 100-pound sacks in each hand, holding your arms out for one minute.
After you feel confident at this level…put a potato in each sack!!
Isn’t that like teams and leadership? We think we are doing pretty good, only to find we have no substance or value to what we are doing.
Many believe they are focused on the right things only to learn that they are failing to provide any real value. Leaders may believe that they are strong communicators, but if you asked others to be honest they would tell you there isn’t really much to be inspired by. Teams may look and think they are impressive, but when they fail to execute, they simply fail to be of value to their organization.
Many teams and leaders are lifting 100-pound potato sacks with not a single potato in the bag!
A simple thing leaders can do on teams is check-in from time to time to ask if the team believes there are potatoes in the sack. How are we doing as a team? Are we truly strengthening others around us? What could we improve and how can we continue to get stronger? How are we providing value to the larger organization? What are others saying about us?
It is a simple activity and simple questions, but it is a powerful exercise when done consistently and with honest team discussions.
Doing this one thing will ensure that potatoes are regularly in your sack and your team is getting better at providing value.
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