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Amazing Teamwork

Wow! This One Principle Can Explode A Team to Greatness… post image

A number of years ago I learned an important principle that changed how I did a lot of things, particularly how I focused. It’s a principle that I have also passed on to my children and many others. It’s called the Pareto principle—also known as the 80/20 rule. Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist who […] Read more

passionate team

When building any kind of team, we often focus on finding highly skilled people to add to our powerhouse of talent. Teams are built to work for common goals so why wouldn’t we want the most skilled individuals on our A-list? But take into consideration a lesson I learned from Lou Holtz, a highly respected […] Read more

Teamwork Videos – Team Activity

3 Great Videos to Share as Part of a Teamwork Activity. Teamwork in the workplace is manifested in many different ways. Sometimes when your teams are working together they are productive, other times not so productive. The following three teamwork videos can be shared to highlight the benefits of teams working together. But they also […] Read more

Powerful Teamwork Video of Lion and Buffalo – Unity

I have told the story and fable of the bulls and the lion, and I have also shared it in a popular video titled “United We Stand: A Team United Can’t Fail.” But I always love it when I see it happen in life. The following video demonstrates the important need for teams to unite. […] Read more

Teamwork Video – Lion and Bulls – Waterbuffalo

So I came across this amazing teamwork video the other day. Maybe you have already seen this. I did not. It’s one of those videos that gets more amazing the longer you watch it.