3 Great Videos to Share as Part of a Teamwork Activity.
Teamwork in the workplace is manifested in many different ways. Sometimes when your teams are working together they are productive, other times not so productive.
The following three teamwork videos can be shared to highlight the benefits of teams working together. But they also highlight how a team can think they are productive and be anything but productive.
Teamwork Video #1
This first video is really creative and highlights what teams can do when they put their minds, or in this case hammers, together.
A question you might ask your team after showing this video is, “What kinds of things do we do alone that could be done much quicker and effectively together?”
Teamwork Video #2
Here is a creative way two teammates came together to solve a problem. While it looks a little dangerous, it worked! A question you might ask your team after viewing this video is, “Do we ever find ourselves believing there isn’t a solution? How can we work as a team to create one?”
Teamwork Video #3
This next video is the perfect example of how a team can think they are working together to accomplish something great, but really they aren’t. A question you might ask your team after watching this video is, “What kinds of things are we doing as a team that look productive, but really aren’t?”
We have a lot of other videos on teamwork you would enjoy. Use them with your teams, organizations or wherever. Each of them are great for facilitating a discussion on teamwork.
Teamwork Gone Wrong Videos – Great to Share With Your Team and Others
Two Really Fun Teamwork Videos to Share With Your Teams
Top 3 Really Fun and Funny Teamwork Videos
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