From time to time I like to share recent videos on teamwork that I have come across. Here are two I think you will enjoy and can share/discuss with your teams. Let me know what you think.
For more fun teamwork videos see Funny Teamwork Videos and Teamwork Videos.
Teamwork Video #1
The thought that came to my mind with this creative video is the quote by H.E. Luccock: “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”
When everyone is clear on their role and the expectation the leader has of each, beautiful things happen with teams. This office team certainly gets that.
Feel free to share this with your teams and use it as part of a discussion on teamwork. Some questions you could ask to facilitate a discussion with your team after sharing this video could include:
Do you understand your role on the team?
What do you bring to the team that is unique?
Share the H.E. Luccock quote above and ask, what would it take for us to create a symphony?
Teamwork Video #2
This video demonstrates the need for teams and their members to try to understand each other and to work out their differences together.
Some questions you might consider asking your team if you share this video are:
What are some things we can do to try to understand and get to know each other better?
What are our biggest obstacles to effective teamwork?
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For more Videos see the following:
Inspirational Teamwork Video Story – United We Stand Divided We Fall
Teamwork Videos
Funny Teamwork Videos
Leadership Videos
Funny Leadership Videos