Leaders must beware of this quiet killer of teamwork. I love the following story I read recently from John Maxwell’s, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork. Fred and Martha were driving home after a church service. “Fred,” Martha asked, “did you notice that the pastor’s sermon was kind of weak today?” “No, not really,” answered […] Read more
be positive

Leadership can be hard and discouraging at times. Bad moods when things don’t go well can become a regular outcome of your ups and downs as a leader. Here are four suggestions you can use now to cheer yourself up when you are having a bad leadership type of day. 1. Serve. One of the […] Read more

What leader would you rather have? One who really cares, or one who doesn’t? I would assume the answer to that question is pretty obvious to most. If you ever had a leader who didn’t care you know how difficult it can be to follow.

I had the opportunity over the weekend to learn some valuable and important lessons about how important leader support is from my 12 year old son. Youth in my church are often asked to prepare a 3-5 minute talk to deliver to our congregation of about 300 on any given Sunday. Through the years I have appreciated this opportunity for my children because of the challenge involved, the opportunity to immerse themselves in an assigned topic and a chance to improve their public speaking skills.