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Waste time at work, time management,

Do you have a need to waste lots of time at work? Most of us are on the lookout for a tip or two from time to time, right?

Leaders Listen

There are some of us (and you know who you are, right?) who are in denial that they are addicted to these devices. A little while ago I was chastising one of my children for texting while we were having a family discussion. I accused him of being addicted and that it was rude and inconsiderate. I am embarrassed to say that my children quickly reminded me that it was no different than the five times I had pulled out my Blackberry that night during our discussion to check e-mail – touché.

Wow, the response continues to be overwhelming! I put out the question “what is your best time management tip, and to this point I have received over 500 tips! Read below about three great time management tips for using e-mail. How often do you get e-mails responding to things you didn’t need a response to? Here is a simple and nice tip from

This last week I learned a great deal about being more productive. During a typical day most of us are fairly unproductive, right? Be honest now. We could probably stay focused and work a half a day and spend the other half doing something besides trying to convince ourselves we worked a whole day. But chats in the hall and office, internet excursions, trips to the copier making sure we walk by the bosses office so he or she can see we are busy, e-mail etc… can make for non productive moments and some times days. Be honest now…