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Optimistic story for leaders.

The best leaders are optimistic leaders. Here is a great story for leaders that they can use. I came across a “Dear Abby” post a little while back that I thought you might enjoy. In response to a previous letter, this reader provides an optimistic way to look to the future.

Be a positive leader and live longer!

There are huge benefits to being a positive leader. Here are five. 1. Positive leaders live longer. There is a lot of research that comes to the conclusion that positive people in general live happier and longer lives.

Compassionate and Caring Leadership – Very Inspirational Video post image

I have said on this blog that leadership starts with the individual. It is about relationships, it is about service, it is about love, it is about caring. By serving the ONE, leaders ultimately are able to inspire and lead the masses. Narayanan is one such leader. I am very grateful for leaders like Narayanan.

Once there were a group of frogs merrily hopping through the forest. They didn’t have a Frog3 care in the world until two of the frogs fell into a deep pit. All of the other frogs quickly gathered around the large pit and peered down into its deep vastness. They all begin to scratch their heads trying to come up with a way to help.

But I wonder why the symphony of sympathy is always played in defense of others when they get caught? Wasn’t this more than a onetime mistake?