The best leaders are optimistic leaders. Here is a great story for leaders that they can use. I came across a “Dear Abby” post a little while back that I thought you might enjoy. In response to a previous letter, this reader provides an optimistic way to look to the future.
DEAR ABBY: My great-grandma also requested that she be buried in her pajamas, but said she also wanted a fork placed in her hands. We could understand the pajamas — given the “long sleep” — but the fork had us stumped. She explained that when dishes were cleared after family dinners when she was growing up and dessert was on its way, her father would say, “Hold onto your fork, the best is yet to come!”
We did as my great-grandmother asked, and it helped those of us who were grieving to remember that she’s now enjoying her “just desserts.” — HOLDING TIGHT TO MY FORK, SIOUX FALLS, S.D. Dear Abby source:
Leaders need to be positive and optimistic. So how do you hold onto your fork? How might you use this story to inspire those you lead?
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