Teams Beware of Jumping to Conclusions—Teamwork Story There is an old Welsh fable told of a dog that belonged to Llywelyn the Great, a Prince of Gwynedd in the 13th century. Prince Llywelyn’s wife had passed away, and his faithful dog was charged with watching the cradle of the Prince’s baby while the Prince was […] Read more
jumping to conclusions
Have you ever jumped to conclusions too quickly as a leader? Have you ever misjudged someone’s intentions as a leader? Enjoy the video below, it has a fun and surprising ending. Being a good leader requires that you make decisions quickly. But jumping to conclusions too quickly can negatively affect your ability to lead for […] Read more
The following teamwork story illustrates the need for every member of the team regardless of their differing talents and gifts. It is a powerful reminder of why leaders and team members must embrace diversity. Have you ever heard of the Aesop Fable, “The Belly and the Members?” As you read the following story I encourage […] Read more
Have you ever had one of those situations where things weren’t as they appeared? This funny video is the perfect demonstration of that! Think before you jump to conclusions next time. Better to assume positive intent as a leader until you know differently. Leaders who jump to conclusions behave in ways that are not healthy for their teams, just as the actions of the guy in this video led to things that are not healthy for relationships.