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leaders make mistakes

Father Celebrates Failures with Children—Inspiring Leadership Video post image

The only mistakes most of us make are the ones we fail to learn from. Everything we learn is through failure of some sort. When we learned to walk for example, we took that first step, fell down and then evaluated what we did wrong in our little minds and tried again. Our parents encouraged […] Read more

Good Leaders are Okay with Admitting Mistakes

Do those in leadership make mistakes? Absolutely. Do leaders readily admit mistakes when they happen? Not always. Should they? Some say yes. Some say no. My advice to all leaders is yes! For three reasons. 1. It Provides Permission. Admitting mistakes gives others permission to make them too. And when they do eventually make a mistake those […] Read more

Employee mistakes

Making mistakes at work is going to happen, right? How you handle employee mistakes is going to say a lot about you as a leader. I have seen my share of different ways of dealing with employee mistakes at work and they have run the gamut from shouting, to doing nothing.

Oops – Leaders Make Mistakes

Important newsflash: leaders make mistakes! Okay, maybe not news to you, and certainly not news to me either. But how many actually admit they make mistakes? My experience has shown that some leaders admit it; some don’t. When leaders make mistakes they have everything to gain by admitting it.