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Understand what you want – do you

How would you respond if someone asked you “do you understand what you want?” Seems like a simple question doesn’t it? I believe it is probably the most important and meaningful question a leader can ask his or herself. And I believe it is probably the most important and meaningful question a leader can ask of those he or she leads.

Searching for the good in others.

You’ve seen them. You’ve been around them. You’ve probably had one of them. Heck, maybe you’ve been one; the leader that for some reason or another never finds the good in others. Instead of searching for the good in others they search for everything bad. Do they find it? You bet they do! Often times the leader doesn’t even realize that’s what he or she is doing.

Sleep Better – Attitude of Gratitude

In this posting we provide three specific tips on how leaders can cultivate gratitude in their life. There are big benefits to being grateful, so now is the time to start working on it right away!

Leaders Ought to be Grateful – Benefits of Gratitude

The last couple of weeks I have done a lot of reflecting on the benefits of gratitude in my life. People that are grateful seem to be more successful and seem to be a lot happier.

Bad Language

I am sitting in the airport while I type this post and next to me is a lady cursing up a storm on her cell phone. It’s bad enough that people feel they have to talk loud enough for people two terminals away to hear, but the language on top of it is too much for me to bare. Is it offensive to me?