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Leadership Story – Going From Good To Great – Leadership Development – Team Development

There is a direct correlation between the time you spend on your own growth and achieving personal greatness. I once heard a story that illustrates this point perfectly. It is the story of a grandson who would visit his grandfather’s farm every year. One particular visit to the farm, the boy’s grandfather was preparing to […] Read more

Bad and Ineffective Meetings – Tip for Better Meetings – Leaders

Once while facilitating a team development workshop it occurred to me why we waste a lot of time in meetings. The team I was facilitating this workshop for included the President of the company and his direct reports. They were struggling with effective meetings like so many executive teams do. While we were discussing some […] Read more

Leaders Ask This Number One Question

There are a lot of questions leaders can ask themselves and should on a regular basis. But if they could only ask one, I would highly recommend it be this one: “How would I feel following someone like me?” Have you ever thought what it would be like to be led by you? It’s a […] Read more

Leadership Development Training Seminars Leadership Class – Boring

Most leaders would agree leadership development is important. I would agree as well, but not the way most of it is trained. Many times leadership training is nothing more than what I like to call “Pay, Spray and Pray.” The participant pays to show up. The trainer then sprays what they have to say. And […] Read more

Leadership Development in 10 Minutes – Inspiring Leadership

Take 10 minutes to watch this video and it could change your life and make you a better leader in business, church, home or wherever you might lead. I can’t believe I never saw this before. Each of us has leadership development needs and we attend to those needs in a variety of different ways. […] Read more