Keeping a cool head during conflict can sometimes be difficult. Especially when it is perceived as or becomes personal. If you think there is a good chance there could be unhealthy conflict, here are a few basic tips that have worked for me.

One of the most difficult challenges of any leader is to create a work environment where people get a long and feel safe from negative confrontation, backstabbing and gossip. Several years ago I was brushing my teeth when one of my kids informed me that my two year old son had used the very toothbrush that I was using!

The best leaders are optimistic leaders. Here is a great story for leaders that they can use. I came across a “Dear Abby” post a little while back that I thought you might enjoy. In response to a previous letter, this reader provides an optimistic way to look to the future.

I am happy to share with you a video based on a very personal and true story of two of my children that taught me a great deal about the most important factor in leadership – caring.