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Leading with Love Means More Courage To Lead Those You Love

I was on social media this morning and came across something that bestselling leadership author Jon Gordon said, “I’m convinced that the two biggest keys for leading others are love and accountability, but to have accountability love must arrive first.” And I completely agree with Jon. In fact, without love, you won’t have the courage […] Read more

Compassionate and Caring Leadership – Very Inspirational Video post image

I have said on this blog that leadership starts with the individual. It is about relationships, it is about service, it is about love, it is about caring. By serving the ONE, leaders ultimately are able to inspire and lead the masses. Narayanan is one such leader. I am very grateful for leaders like Narayanan.

The term leader is used loosely. Leaders leave legacies of integrity, caring, love, giving back more than they took and inspiring others to do the same; they have purpose and sustaining value. Leaders leave an impact on the things that matter most. not how much money they make or worlds they conquer. John Wooden was a leader in the purest definition.

This is a great holiday; make you feel good, type of story. I hope it is meaningful to you in each of your leadership capacities at work, home, church or wherever.

It doesn’t take an audience of hundreds at our beckon call to be a great leader. Sometimes it happens in the simplest and most humble surroundings. And in the case of this touching video it happens when a father decides to magnify his most important calling – fatherhood. It’s a labor of love that will affect you and make you want to do better as a human being. That’s the leadership piece.