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Get Your Team Excited About Meetings – 3 Things Boring Meetings Are Missing post image

Author and columnist Dave Barry once said, “If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be ‘meetings.’” While this is funny, I don’t necessarily agree. I would add that not all meetings have contributed to the […] Read more

How To Waste Time in Conference Call Meetings

Important Tips for Meeting Participants and Facilitators of Conference Calls Most of us are looking for ways to waste time in conference call meetings, right? Of course! Otherwise we wouldn’t spend so much time in them as meeting participants. So, I thought it would be helpful to share my personal top five important tips for […] Read more

Excellent ice breaker activity

I love “feel good” types of ice breaker activities. Here is a wonderful ice breaker activity for new teams and/or small or large training classes. Use this ice breaker activity to start your meeting or training. Once participants know each other better end it with another one of my other favorite ice breaker/team builder activities – “Say Something Positive!”

Leaders Listen

There are some of us (and you know who you are, right?) who are in denial that they are addicted to these devices. A little while ago I was chastising one of my children for texting while we were having a family discussion. I accused him of being addicted and that it was rude and inconsiderate. I am embarrassed to say that my children quickly reminded me that it was no different than the five times I had pulled out my Blackberry that night during our discussion to check e-mail – touché.

Back in February I wrote a very popular post titled “8 Important tips to help you waste time in meetings.” I now have a 9th and a 10th tip to help you waste even more time. As I continue to observe these types of great time wasting tips, I will post them.