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Do This One Thing to be a More Charismatic Leader post image

All through the history of time we have been affected by charismatic leaders. They have impacted the world and they have impacted you—whether directly or indirectly. People are drawn to and want to follow charismatic leaders. Many believed for a long time that charisma was this mysterious charm that either you had or didn’t have. […] Read more

Shape Employee Behavior – Positive Leader

Several months ago after returning from a week long and grueling business trip I came home to the following sticky note placed carefully square smack in the center of my monitor. I left it there for several months. Why? Because it made me feel great! Am I the best? Well, maybe not, but in his eyes I was. His note really made me want to be.

Be a positive leader and live longer!

There are huge benefits to being a positive leader. Here are five. 1. Positive leaders live longer. There is a lot of research that comes to the conclusion that positive people in general live happier and longer lives.