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saying thank you

Gratitude is an Attitude. Thankfulness, Gratitude, Thank you

I love Thanksgiving! It is a time to reflect on the most important things in my life and my families life. Are you doing the same? It is healthy to look at those things that matter most and to reflect on each blessing. There is power in gratitude, and the simple, but super powerful words, […] Read more

Leaders Must Say Thank You and Why

Whatever your leadership responsibility is – whether your are a parent, coach, pastor, scoutmaster, business leader or any other type of leader – you need to say two words often and genuinely. They are the words “thank you.” Unfortunately many leaders don’t say it enough. First Reflect “I would maintain that thanks are the highest […] Read more

It’s simple, but more powerful than you might realize. The words “Thank You” are two words that some leaders neglect to say enough. Have you ever had the unfortunate experience of doing something and…