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Compassionate and Caring Leadership – Very Inspirational Video post image

I have said on this blog that leadership starts with the individual. It is about relationships, it is about service, it is about love, it is about caring. By serving the ONE, leaders ultimately are able to inspire and lead the masses. Narayanan is one such leader. I am very grateful for leaders like Narayanan.

Anyone can be a leader – Great Video

The thought that comes to me as I watched the powerful video below is that leadership is sometimes a one on one thing that has the potential to affect literally thousands of people, maybe even millions. Anyone can be a leader. I was deeply touched by the leadership a young man by the name of Charles Steadman demonstrated and an entire student body embraced when a young woman by the name of Savannah, who was born with Cerebral Palsy, was voted Homecoming/Inaugural Queen.

Leaders are Servants

Leaders should always look for what they can do to bless the lives of those they lead, which will result in doing the right thing as a leader.