As a leader and/or a teammate, you bring a uniqueness to your team. You bring a unique set of gifts and talents that no one else on the team brings. You bring a unique set of perspectives that no one else has heard. You bring a unique history and group of experiences that no one […] Read more
team diversity

Team diversity can’t be overlooked as a big advantage. If you are someone who likes working on teams of people just like you, that may be a big mistake. Research and studies show that team diversity is a good thing. For example, a study talked about on NPR showed that research papers written by multicultural teams […] Read more

Do you believe that a more diverse team leads to a more effective team? The following teamwork story powerfully illustrates how any member of a team can be an important contributor regardless of how unique or different he or she may be. The story is told of an old and weathered Chinese water bearer who […] Read more