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Teamwork Video and Chickens and Eggs

In a fairly recent Ted talk (which I have included below) international businesswoman and writer Margaret Heffernan shares a productivity experiment done by biologist William Muir. It has big implications for teamwork. Muir used chickens in his productivity experiment for one very simple reason – you can easily measure their productivity by counting the eggs. […] Read more

Teamwork Story to Increase Sharing and Collaboration on Teams – Team Building Activity

I love this story on teamwork I heard the other day. I think you will agree it is powerful. Feel free to share with your teams. A team of about 35 employees had come together for a team building event. They were a young, bright and enthusiastic team. However, one big problem this team had […] Read more

Teamwork, team members, teammates, members of a team – important question every member of the team should ask themselves.

You read that right. This is not about the #1 question every leader should ask his or her team. This is a question that every member of the team should ask themselves to improve teamwork. I had lunch the other day with a good friend of mine who is a Doctor in the Emergency Room. […] Read more

Teamwork doesn’t always happen as you think it will. Here is super inspirational Teamwork

In the daily grind of life we sometimes fail to recognize all of the good that is done on our behalf. Here is an inspirational teamwork story I heard the other day that demonstrates that there are many working on a team that we often times fail to recognize for their good work.

Here is a little lite Friday humor. I thought you might enjoy this team building cartoon from Watch for a post next week on the reason why such team building activities often fail and the three things you can do to improve your team building.