Teamwork Story Series Teamwork is about the uniqueness that every member brings to the team. I thought you might enjoy the following teamwork story you can share with your team(s). In a jungle lived two good friends – a monkey and an elephant. An unusual and somewhat heated disagreement between the two had broke out. […] Read more

There is something big that leaders often get backwards with their teams as it relates to teamwork and many times they don’t ever get it right. But you must get it right if teamwork is important to you and your team. The Pig and the Chicken – Teamwork Story One sunny day a pig and […] Read more

How does it make you feel when you see a teammate or someone take all of the credit for success? Seems selfish, right? How can one person truly do anything great without others around him or her. In almost all instances that success was the result of someone else’s efforts in helping that person become […] Read more

You have probably heard the phrase that teamwork makes the dreamwork. But there is something missing… In this weeks Teamwork Tuesday I talk about an experience that I had with my three younger boys recently that highlights the need to do this ONE THING before teamwork can make the dreamwork. Is your team doing this […] Read more

Teamwork Story Based Off of Old Fable Teamwork happens when each of us are committed to making it happen. Great teams are made up of great teammates. When we work together we can do things we couldn’t do alone as the following teamwork story demonstrates. Most likely you are familiar with the Aesop fable, “The […] Read more