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Wow, the response to a funny leadership and teamwork caption for this set of photos has been great!

For example, you’re driving in your neighborhood one day where a woman driving a car in front of you decides to follow the speed limit – 25 MPH. Going down the hill she puts her brakes on repeatedly. You are already late to work and this frustrates you even more. “Of all the days,” you think to yourself, “this clown, this jerk, this bozo decides to go the speed limit.” “And I know she is frustrating me on purpose because she doesn’t like how close I am to her bumper.” “That does it,” you tell yourself, “I’m going to pass this inconsiderate dork.”

I had a final job interview many years ago in which this was evident. As is the case with many final job interviews this one was with the team that I would be working with. I believed my interview was going great, but one particular person’s body language told me otherwise. She just blankly stared at me, kind of “freaky” like. When I was being funny, she didn’t laugh. When I was being engaging and looking for agreement, she didn’t nod her head.

A Few Favorite Teamwork Quotes

Here a few of my favorite Teamwork quotes.

It’s amazing what people can do when they work together. I thought you might enjoy some quick entertaining teamwork videos on a Friday. These are fun. Share these with your co-workers and friends and let them know what is possible with a Team. It is motivational.