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Bad Management – Follow up to the Funny Photo Caption Contest

Okay, here are some of my favorite captions from the over 40 that were submitted on the blog and through LinkedIn. Thanks to everyone who took the time to submit one or more. I enjoyed reading each of them.

You may not agree with my final selections, and that is okay. I personally never seemed to agree with the finalists for "America's Funniest Home Videos." There were so many to chose from.

Do you have a favorite? Click here to view each of the funny and creative comments submitted to our blog. Thanks to each of you that make our blog and community such a fun place to hang out.


IT guy "if we had a bigger sink, we could do so much more," Businessman "How do other people wash more with fewer babies?" Financial guy "If we outsourced the baby we could be more cost effective." David Brown

"Did you say on the pot or on the potty" Jeff Jeffreys

"The sooner we can train him, the sooner they can tax him to fund our social security and Medicare…" Patrick Sauer

"Bad Management – Everything is sinking : ( " K.Prudhvi Pathi Rao

"Life after ETrade" Nathan Marsala

"Taking multitasking to new heights" Christine O'Connell

"Don't make a bad decision worse by hitting the garbage disposal switch too quickly." Ed Lamont

"I guess I should be glad they don't have a dishwasher" John Prpich

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Mike Rogers